"Neuroscience Day, Bridging The Basic and Clinical Research"
2022-05-15 06:48:08
In the morning on May 12, 2022, at the Administration Building, VNU HCM campus, the seminar Neuroscience Day, Bridging The Basic and Clinical Research was held successfully by the School of Medicine, VNU-HCM, both online and offline.

In the seminar, it is our privilege to greet Prof. Dang Van Phuoc, The Dean and Assoc. Prof. Le Van Quang, the Vice Dean of School of Medicine, VNU-HCM, Dr. Nguyen Le Trung Hieu, the Head of Neurology Department, Children Hospital 2, as well as our speaker, Dr. Christian Korff, Head of Pediatric Neurology Unit at Children’s University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland; Prof. Marc Abramowicz, Head of Department of Genetic Medicine at University Hospital of Geneva; Dr. Kinho Chan, cofounding faculty member at Fulbright University Vietnam; Dr. Nguyen Thuy Minh Thu, lecturer at University of Medicine and Pharmacy HCMC; and more than 130 participants from many areas: Teachers, Project manager, doctor, pharmacists, PhD candidates, Master students, medical, pharmacy, dental, biology, psychology students, even patients and relative’s patients.

Many people believe that we’re now in the golden age of neuroscience. Humans have explored moons, stars and galaxies and now we’re starting to look within our own galaxies, our brain. Therefore, the seminar was hosted to bring together some of the industry leaders to share the best of knowledge in Neuroscience and call for some discussions in the direction of research for the upcoming years.

Thanks to 5 informative speeches from our speakers, participants have widened their knowledge within this field. At the end of the seminar, many questions and discussions were raised, proving their curiosity and interests in this promising area.
(Dr. Kha To)
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